About This Whole Blog Thing….

So, I’m going to just lay it all out there. I have been professionally photographing families for over 6 years now and this is honestly my first blog post (insert cringe face here. Or maybe see-no-evil monkey? Either way, it’s not something of which to be proud.) I am honestly really pretty terrible at SEO, social media, and marketing in general. This is all especially embarassing considering my Bachelor’s degree is in Public Relations (which is a frequently asked question during my sessions. I did not go to school for photography and actually worked in advertising sales in a past life.) I think this is honestly the reason I sometimes struggle with sales and marketing, because I did it professionally and it just was not. my. thing. That’s not to say I don’t offer beautiful, tangible artwork for my clients and full-heartedly believe in the importance of displaying your photos (seriously, print you photos, people. Do it for you kids and their kids.)

That all being said, the silver lining is that even though I have not been blog-savvy or opened the SEO for Dummies book my brother-in-law gifted me years ago, I am proud to own a thriving, growing newborn photography business. I am fortunate to have the most amazing clients in the world, many who I can now call friends. And these friends refer their friends who refer their friends and the families grow and they keep coming back and I get to be the lucky one who captures it all. I get to be the one to freeze time when the days are hazy and the nights are long. I get to archive the forehead wrinkles, the peeling toes, the soft downy fuzz of brand new human life so that when that newborn fog lifts, the images are preserved for moms and dads (and moms and moms or dads and dads) to reflect on and yearn for time to slow down. Just a little.

I get to be one of the first people to hold these fresh, tiny babes and often the first to even hear when the pregnancy test reveals two life-changing lines. I get to hear birth stories, fertility battles, foster mom fears, and predictions based on the just-burgeoning flecks of personality. I get to comfort and relate and build up because it truly takes a village. You are part of a sacred club and we, sweet mama, are in this together.

My job is pretty phenomenal.

So, as much as I am resolving to improve my blogging skills and finally unveil this website I have been slowly designing for 4 years (thanks, COVID) I know that, in the end, all I really want is to continue to be the best photographer for the people who call on me to document some of the most sacred days of their lives. I will never stop learning, never stop growing, never stop on my mission to being the very best photographer for them.

The smallest ones.

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